Wood County, Wisconsin

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Wood County Snowmobile Trail System

Main Office: 111 W. Jackson St., WI Rapids, WI 54495, 715-421-8422 / parks@woodcountywi.gov

Snowmobiling Announcements

  • Download the Snowmobile Trail Map
  • Trail STATUS reports can be found on the main page of the Wood County WI website, on our Facebook page, and Travel Wisconsin.
  • Trail conditions can vary widely over short distances. Extra caution should be used in plowed fields as trails may be rough, make sure to reduce your speed on corners and curves due to icy conditions.
  • Please respect all public and private property.
  • Use EXTREME CAUTION on all lakes and streams. "Self-funded" and corridor trails do not cross lakes.
  • Obey all state laws and local ordinances.

The Wood County Snowmobile trail system is composed of approximately 271 miles of funded & groomed trails. There are additional segments of local trails which may not be groomed or funded. There are 7 snowmobile clubs from around the county that maintain the trails. The Parks Maintenance Supervisor serves as trail coordinator for the state-funded county trail system. When snowmobiling, please stay on marked trails.

Trail Maps

Trails maps are available at the Wood County Park & Forestry Office and many business locations in Wood County.
Download the Snowmobile Trail Map

Club contacts for Wood County can be found at AWSC Club listings at the Association of WI Snowmobile Clubs Website (AWSC).

Sunset Drifters Picture Kellner Knights Picture Bakerville Sno Rovers Picture
Yellow River Riders Picture Vesper Snow Drifters Picture Auburndale Nite Owls Picture
Rudolph River Rovers Picture

WI DNR Information

The State of Wisconsin has adopted, by legislative action, a system of funding whereby snowmobilers themselves pay for the vast network of trails that crisscross the State. Monies are generated by snowmobile registration and by State gas taxes on the portion of fuel used by snowmobilers. This fund is administered by the Department of Natural Resources and cooperating counties that have adopted the program. Counties contract with individuals or organizations to develop and maintain trails, usually local snowmobile clubs.

Purchase your annual Snowmobile Trail Pass at DNR Trailpass
Register your snowmobile at DNR registrations snowmobile
New riders: The Department of Natural Resources recommends that everyone who is new to snowmobiling take a safety course; it's the law if you were born on or after January 1, 1985. For more information about Wisconsin's snowmobile laws, visit the DNR's website.

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