From the rolling highlands of northern Wood County to the sandy central plain of southern Wood County, the county provides a diverse landscape with a significant
amount of recreational resources. Lakes, rivers, forests, wetlands, parks,recreation areas, and open spaces allow residents and visitors opportunities to enjoy a
variety of recreational activities. This plan represents a comprehensive inventory and analysis of Wood County’s recreation system and establishes goals, objectives
and recommendations that meet the current and future recreation needs of the community.
Primary emphasis is placed on the role the county is expected to play in
meeting those needs. Secondary emphasis is placed on those outdoor recreation facilities provided by Wood County’s towns, cities and villages, the role of those
facilities, and how they might best serve users. By virtue of this plan, Wood County assumes the role of assisting to coordinate outdoor recreation planning and
programing within its boundaries.
The goals and objectives are defined by the community, and provide a comprehensive basis for Wood County to make outdoor recreation decisions over the next several
years. These strategies shall guide state, county, and local recreation decision makers, providers, and stakeholders. The vision of the Wood County Parks and Forestry
Department is ambitious and exciting, but is also realistic and achievable.
Open Spaces Plan Files