MAIN OFFICE: 111, W.Jackson St., WI Rapids, WI 54495, 715-421-8422/
Purchase your
Boat Launch Parking Pass
online, anywhere, anytime!
Wood County implemented a boat launch fee to help offset some of the costs of maintaining the county's boat launch sites. Boat wash-down stations have been
installed at the Dexter, Lake Wazeecha and Nepco boat landings.
You may now purchase your Boat Launch Parking Pass with a debit or credit card using our online mobile pass purchasing system. *See instructions below.
There is also a self-registration station at each boat landing in Wood County (Nepco Lake, Lake Wazeecha and Dexter Lake). The daily fee is $7.00 and an
annual pass is $25.00. The annual pass is valid at all three Wood County boat landings. If a daily or annual pass is not purchased, you could be subject
to a $50.00 violation fee.
Below are instructions on the different ways you can purchase your boat launch pass:
Please refer to the Boat Launch Policy & How To Purchase
Lake Wazeecha Boat Landing
Lake Dexter Boat Landing
Lake Nepco Boat Landing