Wood County, Wisconsin

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Mental Health Programs

Human Services provides Mental Health Outpatient Services to individuals residing in Wood County. Services are offered at the Wood County River Block Building (Map) , on Wednesdays at the Chestnut Street Office located within the Wood County Annex & Health Center (Map) , and Cornerstone Branch Office at Patriots Tower (Map) .

If you feel you need help with mental health problems, contact the Outpatient Clinic receptionist to set up an appointment. In Wisconsin Rapids, call 715-421-8840. In Marshfield, call 715-387-4529.

The initial appointment will include a review of financial responsibility with a business office staff member. You will then see a Counselor or Therapist who will assess your needs and may make recommendations to one or more of the services offered.

Individual Therapy

An opportunity to work in a safe, caring, and confidential setting with a licensed counselor, to explore your feelings, beliefs, and work on current and past challenges, memories, and experiences. In a one-to-one or group setting, you set your personal goals and work toward your desired change.

Children/Adolescent Therapy

At times, family members have problems that they just cannot resolve or are dealing with major traumas. Human Services Mental Health Therapists are trained in the field of play therapy, cognitive therapy, and rational emotive therapy as well as various other modalities to aid children and adolescents in their recovery.

Psychiatry Services

A referral to our psychiatrist can be made if there appears to be a need for medication to help manage mental health concerns. Referrals to psychiatry are evaluated on an individual basis after a complete intake with a counselor and exploration of alternatives and other factors.

Group Therapy

Provides counseling in a format where one or more therapists work with several people at a time. Group therapy offers an opportunity to give and receive support from others, learn from other people’s experiences and perspectives and to learn how to relate to yourself and others in healthier ways. Groups are offered on a range of topics including dual diagnosis, adult and adolescent anger management, stress management, healthy relationships, and adolescent feelings management.