The Wood County Planning Office is a division of the Planning and Zoning Department. The Planning Division leads the County
by managing current and future development of its communities. One of the main functions of the Planning Division is to
coordinate and assist with land use planning and community development services for Wood County and municipalities within
its jurisdiction. Much of the planning that is done is to meet statutory requirements of the state, or to meet eligibility
requirements of grant funding opportunities. Perhaps more importantly, planning provides direction to guide short and long
term community decisions. Planning activities that take place in the office range from facilitating the planning process
for local towns, villages and cities, to administering and maintaining the County Comprehensive Plan.
Planning Assistance and Services
- Comprehensive Planning
- Outdoor Recreation Planning
- Specialized Short and Long Range Planning
- Ordinances and Regulations
- Community Strategic Planning
- Community Surveys and Needs Assessments
- Transportation Planning
- Mapping and Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
- Capital Improvements Programing
- Rural and Municipal Planning
- Grant Writing and Administration
- Farmland Preservation Planning
- Sewer Service Area Review/Administration
- Land Subdivision Review/Administration
- Meeting Facilitation and Advisory
Planning Staff
Adam DeKleyn, County Planner
Phone: (715) 421-8568
Office Location
Wood County Courthouse (Map)
, 2nd Floor
400 Market Street
Wisconsin Rapids, WI 54495