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The Wood County Planning and Zoning Office serves a wide variety of needs for the residents of Wood County. The department is responsible for planning, land records management, code enforcement and economic development activities.
The Planning and Zoning Office is comprised of a staff of 7 full-time employees to Wood County. Staff members are committed to the department mission "to encourage orderly development and land uses that preserve property values and protect the County's natural resources to enhance the quality of life of Wood County residents." Please call or E-mail our office if you have any questions, or would like to learn more about what we do.
The Conservation, Education & Economic Development Committee is a standing committee of the Wood County Board. Members are committed to the department mission "to encourage orderly development and land uses that preserve property values and protect the County's natural resources to enhance the quality of life of Wood County residents." In addition to providing oversight for the Planning & Zoning Department, this committee also is the oversight committee for the Land Conservation and University Extension Departments. More information about county committees and their meeting times can be found on the County Board Committees and Meeting Schedule pages.