Wood County, Wisconsin

Official Website

Wood County Health Department Logo


Lead Prevention Program

Children can be exposed to lead where they live, learn and play. Sources of lead exposure include:

  • Chipping and peeling paint in homes and condominiums built before 1978
  • Water from lead pipes
  • Some imported toys and jewelry
  • soil near airports,highways,or factories
  • Cetain jobs and hobbies

Protecting children from exposure to lead is important to their lifelong health. A blood test is the best way to determine if a child has been exposed so follow-up care can be provided.

Additional information:
Lead-Safe Wisconsin: Lead Poisoning Prevention Programs (DHS)
Lead-Safe Wisconsin: Prevention & Intervention for Childhood Lead Exposure
Lead-Safe Homes Programs (DHS)

Many homes and condominiums built before 1978 have lead-based paint. Paint that has chipped or is deteriorating, or on surfaces that rub together such as windows and doors, creates lead dust which can pose serious health hazards to occupants and visitors.

Know your rights before you buy, sell or rent.

If you buy or rent a home built before 1978, you have the right to know if the seller or landlord has information about whether the home contains lead-based paint or other lead hazards.
Real Estate Disclosures about Potential Lead Hazards

Additional inforamtion:

For Landlords: You must hand out the EPA pamphlet, Protect Your Family From Lead In Your Home.

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has published a Renovation, Repair and Painting (RR&P) Rule that affects child care centers, schools and homes built before 1978. The rule requires that a certified renovation contractor conduct the renovation and that the occupants of the dwelling being renovated receive the EPA Renovate Right pamphlet from the contractor. The rule also requires that parents of children under age 6 who attend a child care center or school must be notified of any renovation activity and that the renovation contractor is properly certified. For more information: Lead Renovation, Repair and Painting Program.