Wood County, Wisconsin

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Children with Disabilities

Birth to Three

Birth to Three is Wisconsin's early intervention program for infants and toddlers who have developmental delays and disabilities and their families. Programs work to support parents as they work toward the developmental outcomes the parents want for their child.

Birth to Three Program

Children's Community Options Program

Children’s Community Options Program supports children who are living at home or in the community who have substantial limitations due to developmental, emotional, and/or physical disabilities. Funding may be used to support a range of different services that are identified based on each child's specific needs and identified goals or outcomes.

Children’s Community Options Program

Children’s Waivers

The Children's Long-Term Support Home and Community-Based Medicaid Waivers (CLTS Waivers) provide a structure within which Medicaid funding is available to support children who are living at home or in the community and who have substantial limitations in multiple daily activities as a result of one or more of the following disabilities: developmental disabilities, severe emotional disturbances, and physical disabilities.

Children’s Waivers